長野大学で哲学の国際会議「The Society for Philosophy as Global Conversation」が3日間かけて開催されるそうで、参加者募集中だそうです。テーマが多様なので参加しやすいかと思います。登録料も無料とのこと。締め切りは3月15日まで。
Abstract Submissions (Deadline March 15, 2024)
We  invite academic and art-projects abstract-proposals within 300 words at global.conversations.ph@gmail.com by March 15, 2024 (with early submission encouraged). Visual artists who would like to participate in an art show could present one to three pieces of work. Performing artists are asked to limit their act to 45 min; filmmakers to 2 hours (discussion time will be allotted as an addition).